
Showing posts from August, 2022

Photo shopped pictures


Asymmetric and symmetric

The Images above are my examples of asymmetric pictures being because they don't have the exact image of itself if you cut it in half. The first picture i used the element of the thirds putting the subject in the bottom left intersection giving the viewer and idea of there the picture was taken. the third picture is my stepdad looking through binoculars on the empire state building and i think its an interesting picture because you have the subject looking into the vast distance.The third photo is of my brother and his friends in a lazy river and i thought it was interesting because of the variety of all the yellow tubes.   The 3 Photos are my picks of symmetrical photos. The top photo being the statue of liberty which is not symmetrical but i thought it could be seen as symmetrical if i used the rule of thirds and split the  statue in half it would have only water behind it. The next photo is when we were flying home from  New York so since we were flying with the sunset i got the




  Element of color In my first picture is Tim, i caught him in the hallway and thought he had a very interesting shirt on i really like the deep blue against the black shirt it gives it an interesting effect.The second picture is Dom's colorful glasses and AJ in the reflection using this technique i think gives the picture an interesting concept. The third picture is the mural at world language building i decided to get the angle perfect where you could just see the sun about to break over the top while it gives the subject of the picture an outline. The fourth and fifth picture are colorful flowers i like taking pictures of flowers because no one flower is the same wether it be shape size or shade of color.

7 elements of art

 Space - 2D arrangement and 3D illusion of depth. Value- lightness or darkness of an image.  Shape - Area enclosed by an outline. Color - reflected lights composed of 3 characteristics Hue, Saturation and value. Line  a point moving in space. Texture - engages sense of touch and memory, the way something feels.  form - Has volume and is 3D.


 A selfie is a picture taken by yourself, of yourself freezing time giving the viewer a sense of your mood and what you're doing.